Welcome to D'Hanis Lions Club

The D'Hanis Lions Club provides support for D'Hanis Community needs. The club focuses on providing community service-based student scholarships, support local school student activities, flood relief and meeting other various needs of the community.

The D'Hanis Lions Club was organized in 1949 for the purpose of supporting the community. The D'Hanis volunteer Fire Department was organized from the efforts of the D'Hanis Lions Club.

For a much more complete history with photos, news clippings, etc., of the D'Hanis Lions Club, click here for a printable PDF.

• • • If you need the Cook Off Rules & Regulations, click this link • • •

Community Service

  • Community Center:
    The old schoolhouse was refurbished and is now an active Community Center and is available for rent for $250..
  • Scholarships:
    D'Hanis Lions Club Scholarships are service based and open to any Senior attending D'Hanis High School. Please contact the school counselor for the application and deadline information. Last year, due to the generous support of our community and sponsors, we were able to give over $32,900 in scholarships. Memorial donations and charitable gifts to benefit the scholarship fund are appreciated. Please contact Lion Bill Moffett for more information or to make a donation.
        Jeremy Serxton
        PO Box 643
        D'Hanis TX 78850
  • School Support:
    The club cooks for the annual Staff Welcome Luncheon as well as providing ongoing support throughout the school year.
  • Flood Relief:
    D'Hanis Lions Club maintains a fund to provide relief when the local community suffers a flood from the Seco and/or the Parker Creek. The club also organizes donations from business and other non-profits during this time of community need.
  • Stock Show:
    The club donates to the local Civic Club in order to support our youth at the Medina County Stock Show.

DHanis Lions Club